Saturday, September 17, 2016

Anxiety vs Online Dating

Ok so I am trying to put my self out there and I figured online dating. So now I hate 3 profiles on 3 different site, so everyone is like good you're trying.

Yeah TRYING is the key word. The anxiety is crushing. Guy messages me last night we chat for a while, he's kinda slow with his responses which freaks me out to begin with. Cause I am assuming the worst. Which is what I don't really know then he disappeared for the night given it was like 11:30 so I was like maybe fell asleep, so i was able to fall asleep. Woke up this morning no response to my last question. So got up at 10 then was like lets just send hey see if he responds because now I;m convinced he has lost interest in me. Hours later he responds. And then in my head I was like do i respond right away or play it cool and give it sometime or what do i do?

After 15 mins cause I didn't wasn't to seem like I had been waiting for his response, I responded and still have not response like 6 hrs later, granted I think he had a party that he was planning on going to, but I don't really know if it was today or tomorrow. So now I'm panicked thinking I've screwed things up. UGHGUGHUGH I hate this, I overthink every little thing, cause I liked him on the site he messaged me but didn't like me back, what does that mean?

I mean jesus fuck I haven't even met this guy yet and I am already this worked up. This poor guy has no idea what he has gotten himself into. I am such a disaster when it comes to this shit. He seems like a nice guy and I'd like to ask him out to dinner, but how long do I wait, again don't want to be desperate looking or needy. But really i am desperate and needy but I don't want to come off that way.

I know people will say take it easy don't overthink it. It will happen in good time, I'm just tired of waiting and am trying to be proactive.That but they'll also say you need to work on yourself and be happy with yourself and your issues before dating someone. But folks I've been doing that for years and I have made some progress ie: attempting online dating, but at the end of the day anxiety coupled with Borderline is a lethal combination when it comes to social situations so:

One Point for the mental illness team- 0 points for the 20something. FML ;/

Sunday, September 11, 2016


People say wait
People say not so fast
People say take it easy
People say all in good time

But when
When will it come
When will it arrive
When is the day I’ll get what I want

People say you’re trying to hard
People say it happens when you least expect
People say don’t pressure yourself
People say it’s funny how it works

But when
When will the man I want want me
When will he push me up against the wall and kiss me
When will we be entangled in bedsheets

People say one step at a time
People say enjoy the single life
People say it’s not all it’s cracked up to be
People say don’t force it

But when will I get my man who make me happy
When will I get him
When will he make me laugh or watch me cry
When will I get that partner that fills me up and keeps me going
I just want to know when
When can I stop going to functions alone
When can I just lean on him for support
When can it all work out.
